There are many different types of crashes, each with their own risks and underlying causes. Pedestrian collisions often occur due to a lack of surveillance by drivers or unsafe habits on the part of those walking. Crashes between two passenger vehicles could be the result of distracted driving or the failure to use a turn signal.
Semi-truck crashes are among the worst possible collisions people might experience. They may occur for a variety of different reasons, many of which differ from the most common causes of other collisions. The following the top reasons that semi-trucks collide with passenger vehicles.
Drivers making bad decisions
People operating passenger vehicles can cause crashes with semi-trucks by cutting them off or driving in their blind spots. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recognizes errors in decision-making as the leading cause of truck crashes where the commercial vehicle rather than the passenger vehicle is at fault. Even those with extra training and countless hours on the road traffic sometimes make the wrong choice in traffic.
Drivers failing to monitor their surroundings
Semi-truck drivers have to check carefully for signs of other vehicles near them. Their large blind spots create an opportunity to easily overlook smaller vehicles. The FMCSA reports that recognition errors, possibly due to blind spots or distraction, are the second leading cause of semi-truck crashes.
Drivers becoming unable to perform their jobs
A small but noteworthy percentage of semi-truck crashes occur because the commercial driver can no longer do their job. They fall asleep or experience a medical emergency while at the wheel. Either of those scenarios can have devastating consequences for the people in smaller vehicles near the semi-truck.
Vehicle issues
Semi-trucks need to be in excellent operating condition, or drivers may struggle to maintain control of them. Approximately one out of every 10 crashes where a semi-truck is at fault for the collision occurs because of issues with the vehicle. Tire blowouts, brakes failing or uneven loads could all cause a crash.
Depending on the underlying cause of a semi-truck collision, those affected may have several options for compensation. Reviewing the circumstances of a crash with a skilled legal team can help injured parties and grieving families choose the best means of pursuing compensation.