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3 reasons a trucking company could be liable for a wreck

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2024 | Truck Crashes |

Collisions can occur for all kinds of different reasons. When a semi-truck collides with a passenger vehicle, often the bigger vehicle is at fault for the collision. Semi-trucks are more difficult than passenger vehicles to control, and small mistakes in judgment can potentially lead to a wreck.

There is a tendency for people to assume that the commercial driver operating the semi-truck is the party at fault for the crash. While they may be at fault, their employer could very well be liable. Transportation companies are often responsible for the financial losses created by crashes involving their vehicles. The following are some of the scenarios in which a transportation company may be responsible for providing compensation after a wreck.

When maintenance issues are to blame

Driver mistakes account for the vast majority of crashes. However, about one in 10 collisions involving semi-trucks occur because of vehicle issues. Poorly-maintained brakes, improperly loaded trailers and other maintenance issues can potentially be to blame for a serious collision. Transportation companies may be liable for such crashes if they maintain their own fleets or delayed repairs suggested by the company that provides maintenance services.

When company policies contributed to the crash

There are many ways in which transportation company policies can lead to drivers doing something unsafe in traffic. Some companies require that drivers consistently handle dispatch devices. These devices are often mobile phones or tablets that can be as distracting as private technology. Other times, transportation companies pressure drivers into getting loads in by a specific deadline. Professional drivers may feel compelled to exceed the speed limit or violate Hours of Service rules to get a load in on time for a client.

When the driver is a direct hire employee

Employers have certain responsibilities when they hire workers. A transportation company may not be directly responsible for the actions of independent contractors or self-employed drivers handling loads. However, if the driver is an employee, the business could be liable for any mistakes that they make. The concept of vicarious liability makes a business responsible for losses generated through a worker’s negligence or bad behavior while on the job.

Transportation companies often have large insurance policies and valuable assets that can help compensate those affected by a wreck. Seeking compensation from the right party can potentially help people mitigate the economic impact of a semi-truck crash. Transportation companies may have to provide compensation in a variety of different scenarios.